
UBS Art Collection - Pure Landscape

Hiroe Saeki

( From the catalogue of UBS Collection, Catalogue title: Pure Landscape )
Publisher: UBS AG
Project management: Louise Evans and Stephen McCoubrey, UBS Art Collection
Text by: Reiko Tsubaki, JJ Charlesworth and Stephen McCoubrey 2010

Hiroe Saeki is a young Japanese artist who produces highly detailed drawings that draw their inspiration from the forms and structures of the natural world. Saeki’s beautifully executed images are realized through a combination of highly detailed fine pencil drawing and acrylic painting. Saeki’s method of mark-marking tricks the eye on first inspection, making the works appear to be prints. The organic, flowing flora and fauna that Saeki depicts stand in strong contrast to the white space of the paper, making her figures appear to float in an abstract void, producing an unreal effect and meditative mood. Hiroe Saeki has shown at a number of museum venues in Japan - notably at the Hara Museum in 2011, and in Artist File 2008 at the National Art Centre Tokyo, an exhibition to which UBS loaned a substantial work by the artist from our collection.